High-Efficiency Modules
Precision IV-Curve Tracers for the Photovoltaic Industry
Since 20 years we develop, manufacture and sell high quality IV-curve tracers (field testers) for the check of photovoltaic modules, strings and even arrays in different power classes. These measurement devices are used worldwide by well-respected companies and institutions.
Curve Tracers for the Photovoltaic
The cutting-edge photovoltaic measuring devices (field tester) series PVPM allow the measurement of the I-V-curve of the generator as well as the instant display of the peak power (extrapolated to STC) and the internal serial resistance: two important values for an immediate objective validation of the real state of the generator. more ...
Peak Power Check with rental device
Peak power check on-site: for the check of a single PV plant you may as well rent one of the devices type PVPM1000X or PVPM1040C (inside the EU only)! Test your PV plant and locate hidden problems by moderate costs... More ...